Born to run – Emmylou Harris

(met YouTube-video onderaan de pagina)

Well I never did crawl and I never did tow the line
No man is a master to me, I aint that kind
I just put on my travelin shoes
If you wanna win, you just cant lose the time
Or stay behind

Well I was born to run, to get ahead of the rest
And all that I wanted was to be the best
Just to feel free and be someone
I was born to be fast, I was born to run

Well, I take the chances for the time I made mistakes
But you dont get nothin unless you take the breaks
Livin as dangerous as dynamite
Sure it makes you feel nervous but it makes you feel alright
Makes you feel alright

Well I was born to run, to get ahead of the rest
And all that I wanted was to be the best
Just to feel free and be someone
I was born to be fast, I was born to run

Nobody gonna make me do things their way
By the time you figure it out, its yesterday
Well it comes to he who waits Im told
But I dont need it when Im old and gray
Yeah, I want it today

Well I was born to run, to get ahead of the rest
And all that I wanted was to be the best
Just to feel free and be someone
I was born to be fast, I was born to run

I was born to run, to get ahead of the rest
And all that I wanted was to be the best
Just to feel free and be someone
I was born to be fast, I was born to run

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